
Drama is a Creative Arts course that involves an exploration of experiences and situations through enactment. The desire and ability to create and to communicate comes from God who gives us these talents and gifts to glorify him.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we do in Drama?
Is Drama just playing games?
Do I have to do a monologue?
Do I have to perform in front of people?
Do we do exams?
What is a logbook?
What do we wear?

What do we do in Drama?

We begin with Improvisation. These games and activities teach us skills that we will use over the next few years of Drama. Listening, team-work, collaborating, thinking on our feet and being open to ideas - these are just some of the benefits we gain when doing Drama exercises.

Is Drama just playing games?

No. We experience several forms of Drama over the two years - Puppetry, Commedia Del Arte, Greek Theatre and Political Theatre are a few of the styles that we study and perform.

Do I have to do a monologue?

All the assignments in Year 9 and most of Year 10 are Group Performances. In Year 10 we study Realism and perform a monologue.

Do I have to perform in front of people?

Yes, but only when we are ready. We rehearse in class, in groups, give and receive feedback and grow in confidence until we are ready to show to parents and peers.

Do we do exams?

In Year 9 we do a written exam at the end of the year that covers all the forms of theatre that we have studied.

In Year 10 we do a half-yearly and a yearly exam.

What is a logbook?

A logbook is an exercise book where we take down notes, make observations and reflections on the activities we do. It is a place to record the progress and process of any group work that you are involved in. It is handed in and marked twice a term.

What do we wear?

It is important to feel comfortable when doing physical and expressive work. Girls are encouraged to bring leggings to slip on for Drama classes. Theatre blacks are required for performances. These are long black leggings or pants, and a long-sleeved black top.

If you have further questions, please contact:

Creative Arts Coordinator - Mrs Nicole Conway


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